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Indonesian Pharmacists Association Pafi Kota Taliwang: Encouraging the Quality of Professionalism

Amidst the dynamics of health services in Indonesia, the role of pharmacy professionals is increasingly recognized as important. One of the forums that serves as a gathering place for pharmacy experts is the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (PAFI). Taliwang City, as one of the cities in West Nusa Tenggara Province, also has a PAFI branch that is active in advancing the pharmaceutical field.

Getting to Know PAFI

PAFI was established as a forum for pharmacy experts to improve their competence, uphold professional ethics, and contribute to public health services. Through various activities, PAFI helps strengthen inter-professional networks and increase public understanding of the important role of pharmacists in the health system.

PAFI Taliwang City: Supporting Professionalism

PAFI Taliwang City is an important milestone in building and supporting the professionalism of pharmacy experts in the region. By holding various training programs, seminars, and workshops, PAFI Taliwang City helps improve the knowledge and skills of its members in various aspects of pharmacy, from pharmacology to pharmacy management.

Role in Public Health Services

Not only focusing on developing internal professionalism, PAFI Taliwang City is also active in various activities that support public health services. Through collaboration with related agencies, PAFI plays a role in health education, campaigns for wise drug use, and participation in health programs held by the local government.

Becoming an Agent of Change

PAFI Taliwang City also plays a role as an agent of change in raising awareness of the importance of the role of pharmacists in the health system. By actively engaging in health policy advocacy, PAFI encourages increased regulations that support safe, effective, and affordable pharmacy practices for the community.

Building a Strong Partnership

The partnership between  and various parties, ranging from local governments, educational institutions, to the pharmaceutical industry, is key to achieving common goals in advancing the pharmaceutical sector in the region. Through strong collaboration, PAFI is able to increase capacity and provide better services to the community.

Opening Career Opportunities

For pharmacists in Taliwang City, membership in PAFI is not only an honor, but also opens up broad career opportunities. Through the network owned by PAFI, its members can connect with various job opportunities, advanced training, and career development in various pharmaceutical fields.


PAFI Taliwang City is an important forum for pharmacists in the region in strengthening professionalism, improving public health services, and becoming agents of change in the health system. With strong commitment and collaboration, PAFI continues to play a role as the vanguard in advancing the pharmaceutical sector for the welfare of the people of Taliwang City. 

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